Customer Event Cairo
Thank you for your interest, registration is officially closed. If you are interested in attending please reach out to Dr. Sara El Helaly under this email.
Meet. Connect. Discover.
18 April 2024
Venue: Renaissance Cairo Mirage City Hotel
Abbas Al Akkad Corridor, Mirage City, New Cairo
Cairo 11757, Egypt
- 08:00–09:00 - Sign-in and welcome
- 09:00–09:30 - Keynotes
- 09:30–11:30 - Session 1- Risk mitigation to Pharmaceutical Quality - the Role of Reference Standards
- 11:20–12:00 - Break
- 12:40–16:30 - Session 2 – Impurity testing the need and challenges: How far should we go?
- 16:30–17:00 - Closing remarks
Note: Agenda is subject to change. If there are any changes, we will announce them via email.